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Message from Mr. Alfred Wani, Founder & Managing Director

Dreamland Modern Academy was established in 2016 with the motive of transforming generations through education and goliness. It was a humble beginning that many could not fathom. From gathering some 7 kids from the neighborhood and teaching them for free, the school has grown to house over 800 pupils in nursery, primary and secondary. This would not have been possible without faith and dedication.

My motive for founding this school has always been "to transform generations through education and godliness". Whenever I watch pupils walking into the school building on their first day of schooling, I begin to envision their future as adults. I envision them becoming life-long learners, critical thinkers, problem-solvers, caring, creative, independent, respectful and passionate about community service.

Because of this, we have more people showing interest in our work, enrolling their children in our school and contributing in many ways possible. I welcome you to join us in this noble cause of "transforming next generations through quality education and godliness". This is one way we can impact our communities and our Nation.

Our Vision

  • Transforming generations through education and godliness
  • To become a sound school that offers quality and affordable educational services in South Sudan and beyond.
  • To build the children to become mentally decent with a purpose in life through privison of comprehensive learning services to all the children in Dreamland

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to teach the pupils who reflects the presence of knowldge in their daily life, words and actions. We seek to provide an educational foundation that encourages our pupils and students to develop to their maximum potentials.
  • Working in solidarity with our stakeholders to provide quality education to our children in their early age in order to be knowledgeable and proactive adults.

Our Objectives

  • Develop the five senses and cognitive skills and concepts which are the foundation for higher order thinking, knowing and reasoning.
  • To give our pupils and students a sense of evolution, significant events and basics in all early childhood education and development.
  • To demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of the early childhood field, particularly the connection between psychology and early childhood education.